Hidden Treasures launched in 1998 offering music and arts & crafts lessons to 30 students. Today, 110 adults with mild to moderate disabilities are enrolled in eight arts education programs.
The program’s roots can be traced to early 1990s when Lucille McCarthy, then a direct care worker at Community Living Corp., noticed a fascination with music among consumers. She began playing tapes to a small group and asked them to sing along.
“They were shy and sometimes frightened, but we persevered,” recalls Lucille. “I decided to put on a show.” After a few performances, Lucille became convinced they should formalize the program and Hidden Treasures debuted to rave reviews..
“Our students have an unlimited potential that needs to be tapped into. We all have hidden treasures. They just need to be nurtured.”.
Hidden Treasures classes are designed to enhance the quality of life for developmentally disabled people by nurturing creativity, self expression and self esteem. Hidden Treasures offers classes in Arts & Crafts, Studio Art, Musical Drama, Modern Dance and Tap Dance.
Hidden Treasures is sponsored by CLC Foundation, a not-for-profit organization located in Mt. Kisco, NY. Please “like” us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/CLCHiddenTreasures
This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester. www.artswestchester.org
Registration is OPEN!
Join us for the 2022 Fall Hidden Treasures program In-Person.
Fall 2022 Flyer
Registration Form 2022